Gift Guide for RVer’s
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It’s that time of year again. Time to find the perfect gifts for the holidays. But what do you do if you have the toughest person in the world to buy for? What if your giftee lives in an RV? Not only do you have to agonize over finding just the right gift, but now it must fit a tiny lifestyle to boot.
Fulltime RV’ers have special needs the average gift receiver doesn’t. Everything in their space needs to have a purpose, now sometimes the purpose can be fun but those items are very few and far between.
Want to save yourself some trouble? Have everybody create an Amazon Wishlist then choose ONE item from the list, yes, just one. I know this is hard for some people, Grandmas out there, I’m looking at you.
So, what do you get for the fulltime RV dweller on your gift list?
If you don’t have a wish list to go by, check out this big list. We’ve sorted it by receiver and added a bunch of our favorite links, to help you out.
Kids who Fulltime
Board Games- Look for compact versions. I love this one that has several games in one box. Card Games are great too.
Video games- We all have a gamer in the family so these are always a welcome gift. Don’t know which one. Try an iTunes gift card. They can download one they like from there.
Books- If they’re little, try one of the services that personalize a book with the child’s name. For an early reader, I like to give a book series. Gift the first book this occasion, then send the next in a month or so.
E-reader or Tablet- For the younger set, a Fire tablet and FreeTime subscription is a great gift. For a tweens and teen, a more robust tablet, like an iPad will serve them well. Pair it with a Kindle Unlimited subscription and they are set with reading material all year.
Radio controlled anything- Drones and planes are always a fun gift for kids with lots of space to play outside.
Binoculars– Especially ones with a built-in camera can provide hours of fun and learning.
Experiences- Tickets to a local zoo or aquarium. Maybe a theme park or water park. My kids loved ziplining and river rafting too. Want the gift to give all year, how about an ASTC affiliated museum membership. They’re good at museums all over the country.
New Fulltimers
Have somebody just getting ready to hit the road. There’s lots of stuff they may not even know they need or want.
Instantpot– Love this personally. So easy to cook up a quick meal, even if you forgot to thaw the chicken first.
Portable Ice Maker– If they have the space, they will love you for this.
Heated Mattress Pad– RV’s are not very well insulated and when it gets cold out it gets cold inside. This gets the bed toasty even on the coldest nights.
RV GPS- This one lets you enter your RV specifications and is great at making sure you don’t get routed down roads where you won’t fit.
Small Dehumidifier– Several people living in a metal box will create some humid conditions. In an RV water is the enemy so getting rid of it is a must.
First Aid Kit– This is a great gift for any RV’er. You never know when your daughter and niece will crash their bikes and you need to stop some bleeding an hour from the nearest emergency.
TPMS– Or tire pressure monitoring system. Blowouts can lead to disaster in any RV so always knowing if your tires are properly inflated is necessary.
Oxygenics Showerhead– You might think this is a weird gift, but RVs have tiny water heaters and not much water pressure and this showerhead adds air to the water to make it seem like you have better water pressure than you do. Makes for a more comfortable shower that uses less water.
RV Surge Protector- RV parks have notoriously unreliable power supplies. A surge protector will protect all of the appliances inside in case of power spikes or power dips. This one is the most highly recommended among RVer’s and is available in 50 or 30 amps.
Collapsible Stuff- From mixing bowls to laundry baskets, collapsible items are great for the RV. We even have a collapsible wagon.
All Fulltimers
Folks who’ve been at this awhile or even newbies will appreciate these items.
Gift Cards- I know, not very original. But they are perfect for full-timers. Gas cards are always the number one requested gift card for full-timers. Also, Amazon, Walmart or Target are sure bets so they can find exactly what they want. National chain restaurants or movie theaters are another good choice.
National Parks Pass– Give the gift of our beautiful NationalParks. Along with that, the National Parks Passport is a fun book to travel with. Getting our stamps at the parks we visit is a great reminder of the places we’ve been.
Subscriptions- Netflix, Amazon Prime, Kindle Unlimited or Gaming sites, whatever you giftee is into, there’s an app for that.
Memberships- Escapees, Passport America, Boondockers Welcome or Harvest Hosts all give discounts or even free options for campsites.
Camping Journal– If your loved one doesn’t blog to keep track of their travels, this journal is a great gift to help them capture the memories.
Quarters- Yep quarters, just like when you send someone off to college. Quarters are an appreciated gift for the laundromat.
Need a gift for a fellow RV’er
If you’re the fulltiming gift giver and need a little something for your neighbor, how about a DIY.
Homemade candies or cookies are always a treat. Fresh bread or jam can’t be beat. I like to pair soup in a jar with a handmade bowl holder.

Firestarters- Colorful firestarters are an easy and fun gift for those who like to boondock.
Doormat- Paint up an adorable doormat. Keeps the dirt out of their house and they’ll remember you long after you part.

And last, but certainly not least, booze is always welcome at my house 🙂
We hope this list helps with your holiday or any day shopping for your fulltime family and friends. We know there’s something on the list for everybody. If you have any more suggestions, be sure to comment below. We’d love to hear from you
I love some of these ideas! We aren’t full-timers but I’m definitely putting this on the list to check out for when we are camping. Especially the booze part LOL!
Some of these are great ideas for any kids! As grandma I have a hard time figuring out what that great gift would be when I don’t get to see them very often. I particularly like the experience idea for the whole family!
These are great ideas for those in an RV. It is mine and my daughters goal to be able to get an RV and travel for a good part of the year. She is homeschooled so we are able to hit the road anytime.
Janet Bellacera
While I’m not a full-timer. I do love being in my RV as often as possible. These are some incredible ideas. Thanks for sharing.