Crafting On The Road
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I find myself in a difficult spot today, trying to figure out crafting on the road. You see, I am a crafter. I sew, I arrange flowers, I even do some woodworking. I’ve gone by the nicknames The Costume Queen and The Queen of Bling. I’m equally handy with a glue gun and a circular saw and I love being able to work on any type of project that sparks my imagination at any given time.

But how do you do that in such as small space?
How can I have it all and do it all? I’m really struggling with this. Crafting has always been a huge part of my life. I grew up going to craft shows with my mom. She made and sold beautiful silk flower décor and I came along and learned about crafting and entrepreneurship and marketing. I’ll always remember the time spent with mom and the burned fingers along the way.
When I had kids of my own, I spent years turning that love of crafting into my own business. Designing and sewing dance costumes. But now the kids are grown, and the novelty and sparkle have worn off and I’m faced with a new challenge. How to keep busy without filling the entire RV with fabric and other assorted stuff that come with a crafting obsession and a short attention span.
So here I am, looking for a desk to set up a workstation for my computer and realizing I need it to do double or triple duty. I need to be able to go from computer to sewing machine to cutting table to whatever else I’m feeling on any given day. I mean is that even possible? And what about storing the cutting board and sewing machine and my lovely fabric stash?

Of course, sewing isn’t my only craft. Lately, I find myself wanting to create jewelry. One the one hand this seems like a good hobby for RV life, but can I leave it at just stringing beads and making cute necklaces or bracelets, of course not. I love wire wrapped jewelry, but for me, I really love bling so cut stones are a must. This means soldering and tumbling and hammering and filing and everything else that goes with metalsmithing. And all the equipment takes up even more space.
And then there’s holidays and holiday crafting. I love giving handmade personal gifts. Last year I made fun hats and scarves and even boot cuffs as gifts. Can I fit knitting supplies too? Do I even want to knit?

I feel like I need to focus.
I know people do it. It’s just not like me. What do I do if I want to build something with wood? I guess I can plan a trip to visit my son. He does beautiful woodworking and has all the good toys anyway and there is the bonus of grandbaby time with this idea. But what if I’m in Florida and they’re in California. I think I’ll need to find a place for some woodworking tools too. Le sigh…
Anybody have any good suggestions? Wayne says I can’t put my workshop on a trailer and take it along, so that’s out.